February 10, 2012

heart and seek...day 10

day 10...
 last year on a cool winters day...we spied this sweet HEART leaf 
in a garden fountain in my dad's front yard...
that night mr. frost came and enshrined that sweet HEART in ice...
so cool to see.
 last spring i spent an amazing weekend with some incredibly artsy friends
in the beautiful red canyons of sedona, arizona.  you can read about it HERE
it was so appropriate that my first lunch there came with bread 
in the shape of a HEART, because the whole trip was an abundance of love.
isn't this cool?  you can literally see the HEART of this tree.
and count all the years that it's been sharing it's love.
christine from silver linings for me shared this goodness with me.
thanks christine!!!
i love this photo.
i found it awhile back on "pinterest"  everyone's new obsession.
guess what...? you can make these too.
HERE's the link to the directions!
 and speaking of eggs...
the first year i started HEART and seek, this was one
of my very first and very favorite HEART surprises.
 i was making cookies and cracked the egg and voila...
along with the egg whites...into the bowl fell this wonderful piece of heaven.
it is so tiny in real life..there is NO way i could have made
this any more perfect than nature did on it's own.
this will always be one of my favorite HEART and seek finds!

we are winding down our game of HEART and seek.
only 4 days left.  i hope you are all able to find some HEART goodness
in your lives over the next few days!!!

happy HEART hunting!


  1. Wow. That egg shell is amazing! What a great find, Chrissy.

  2. Love these heart posts here Chrissy - that's creative looking! So much to dicover with conscious eyes! Happy weekend! xx

  3. So pleased to have 'found' you via tinniegirl...such a lovely place you have here that i'm looking forward to dropping in frequently..exquisite photos...and the whole idea of spotting hearts is uplifting...thank you....


your comments put the biggest smile on my face!
thank you so very much!