November 21, 2011


so we had a new 
open here in utah.
i just moved here from phoenix where we had one open a few years ago
so i knew the hoopla that was going to go along with it.
i should've known better than to go to the mall with my girls on the very same day that it opened.  dang my planning skills.  IT WAS CRAZY!  luckily the girls wanted to eat at the cheesecake factory more than they wanted to stand in line for an hour....just to enter the store.
(cheesecake always speaks loudly to the gardner girls)

so i let the mayhem die down a bit and dropped in today.
surprisingly i didn't find anything i HAD to have.

but they did have the cutest t-shirt that i simply had to share with you guys...

isn't this so cute.
you can't tell, but it's stitched on with sequins.
i just loved it's message and thought it was worth sharing as i am busy trying to raise children to 
STAY TRUE to themselves.
STAY TRUE to their uniqueness.
STAY TRUE to their beliefs.
STAY TRUE to the values we strive to teach them in our home.

(i think i see a new art piece in the near future...)

what are you trying to STAY TRUE to today?

cultivate a renewed effort to STAY TRUE!


don't forget to go sign up for 
the 12 artsy ornaments of christmas...

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing that message Missy Chrissy! Some days I still need a reminder! =-)


your comments put the biggest smile on my face!
thank you so very much!